Environmental Policy

Policy Statement

Mensura Ltd. recognises that project development and construction related services can make a major contribution to a more sustainable world. We are committed to proactive environmental management at all levels from local to global, positively influencing key stakeholders, especially customers and suppliers.

We maintain organisational structures, management systems, procedures and training plans to ensure, as a minimum, compliance with all relevant laws, regulations and standards.

As management is responsible for our environmental performance, it is integrated into core
business processes, designs and plans.

Our vision is to be an industry leader in the way we manage the environmental impacts of our operations during their entire life cycle, actively looking to reduce the negative impacts upon the environment whilst maximising both our own and our stakeholders’ opportunities.

We will do this by:

  • Understanding our stakeholder’s expectations and requirements with regard to the environment
  • Engaging with the communities and organisations affected by our operations to understand their views and aspirations
  • Ensuring our employees and delivery partners have the competence to continually improve our environmental performance and we will provide training, facilitated by external experts where required.
  • Assessing and reducing the environmental impacts of our work; we do this by identifying opportunities to increase recycling within our office environment and on our sites.  Implementing waste management plans on our sites and incorporating these procedures into our working practices.
  • Ensuring our Sub-contract and supply chain follow a similar philosophy. Preference will be given to innovative organisations with sustainable products and solutions.

 Our environmental compliance can only be maintained if Contractors and Sub-Contractors adopt our standards, therefore they will:

  • Comply with the Environmental Policy and current environmental legislation
  • Where required comply with the client’s environmental policies
  • Take reasonable steps to prevent environmental damage from their activities
  • Ensure that their plant and equipment is properly maintained and ensure that the equipment is switched off where not in use
  • Where appropriate use environmentally friendly products
  • Cooperate fully with the company’s Site Manager
  • Promptly report all environmental incidents to the Site Manager.

Our long-term objectives are to:

  • Champion the efficient use of energy and strive to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon, associated with climate change
  • Generate zero waste through reducing upfront demand, reusing materials whenever possible and recycling or down cycling
  • Proactively select and use, where possible, materials that are benign to people and the environment
  • Reduce the demand for, conserve and recycle water resources where possible
  • Proactively work to minimise the impact of our direct operations towards no net loss biodiversity and, where feasible, create biodiversity net gain
  • Reduce harmful emissions to air from our projects, road vehicles, mobile and stationary equipment and processes
  • Minimise the negative impact of our operations on water, land and air quality

 We shall continue to promote a culture of continual improvement, setting objectives and targets for key activities and developing action plans for improvement, including driving carbon out of our business.

This Statement will be reviewed every two years and amended as necessary to ensure that we are meeting the needs of the business and the environment in which we work. It will be made available to the public and interested parties on request.

James Beckwith


January 2023

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