Financial Statement/Cost Report

When to use it: It is important to know at all times the financial situation of the building contract. Variations may occur and other claims made that will impact the likely out-turn cost and these need to be reviewed regularly.

Mensura will collate the relevant documentation and use this to produce a financial statement that shows the position of the project finances. This will include a summary of approved variations and an estimate of cost of anticipated variations. Loss and expense claims where presented will be included. The project contingency is then adjusted to balance the out-turn cost with the approved budget (provided it has not been exceeded). 

Discounts are available when purchasing three or more financial statements at the same time. Further discounts of up to 80% are available when Mensura has been appointed to prepare interim valuations and assess variations as we will already have access to much of the information required. Please contact us for a discount code which will be added to your account.

Scope of Service

Our Financial Statement service includes:

  1. Receipt and review of relevant documents
  2. Preparation of the Financial Statement
  3. Production of a summary report
  4. Notes of any issues of concern.

We will require certain information to be provided by you before we are able to start work. We will set this out in our Confirmation Email to you. We normally aim to complete a financial statement within 5 days of receipt of the last piece of information required. Reports are delivered electronically. Prices stated are per Financial Statement.