Order of Cost Estimate

When to use it: An Order of Cost Estimate is prepared at the commencement of the scheme to help establish your development budget. It is applicable to projects that are at Appraisal stage or undergoing design briefing. Order of Cost Estimates are undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the New Rules of Measurement 1. Once you have selected the likely project value, and placed your order, we will issue you with a list of information required so that we can start work on your order of cost estimate.

We refer you specifically to clause 4.3 of our Terms of Sale.

In the event that your project construction cost is likely to exceed £5m then please contact us for a quotation for this service.

Scope of the Service

All Order of Cost Estimates are based on recently published cost data (including from Spons, Building Cost Information Service (BCIS) and other sources).  Each report includes:

  1. Notes of Inclusions and Exclusions
  2. Information Used Register
  3. Marked up PDF versions of Drawings used for measurement purposes
  4. Summary Elemental Analysis
  5. Priced Measured work items with descriptions
  6. Bench-marking carried out against comparable BCIS models
  7. Cash flow chart ('S' curve)
  8. Reconciliation to previous Estimate(s) (if the previous Order of Cost Estimate(s) was/were prepared by Mensura)
  9. Estimate of Quantity Surveying fees for Lenders purposes.

We will require certain information to be provided by you before we are able to start work.  We will set this out in our confirmation email to you.
We normally aim to complete Order of Cost Estimates within one week of receipt of the last piece of information required, subject to workload.  If you have particular delivery requirements then please insert a date for delivery in the Order form prior to checking out.  Reports are delivered electronically.